Southern Namibia

Southern Namibia

All day
March 24, 2018 April 1, 2018

Organizer: Andy McMahon

As many of you will know, we have explored along the Orange River on the South African side quite extensively over the past 2 years. This time the idea is to explore the river along the Namibian side between Onseepkans and Vioolsdrift. This will be a bush camping trip with the majority of the camping on the river but there is likely to be one or two nights away from the river. Most of the driving will be on normal gravel roads but there are sections where we will be following the locals tracks and one stretch down to the river where we will be driving down the gorge / riverbed that will require 4x4 / low range. There are also a few old mines in the area that I hope to visit. While this is an exploring trip, the plan is to keep the driving time manageable each day and have at least one chill day. After all, it is a holiday!


The plan will be to meet in Pofadder and overnight on the South African side before heading into Namibia at Onseepkans (passports). We can expect some spectacular scenery and hopefully some fantastic spots to camp at along the river.   


Fuel – as we will not be able to fill up again after Pofadder until we get to Noordoewer, it may be necessary to carry extra fuel if you do not have a long range tank. Further info on the distance will be communicated with those going.


Water – we will need to be self-sufficient with drinking water though I hope to be able to top up once.


No trailers or caravans can be accommodated on this trip.


There is no cost for this trip though we may have to pay for one or two nights camping. As we will be crossing the border, please check your passport expiry dates. 


If this trip interests you, Let me know ASAP if you want to book a spot. I will be in touch with those wanting to go with more info in due course. Group size ideally 6 vehicles but maximum 8.  

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