Middeldeur private campsite

Middeldeur private campsite

All day
February 23, 2018 February 25, 2018

Organizer: Andy McMahon

Middeldeur campsite is a private campsite on a farm in the northern part of the Kouebokkeveld about 40Km north of Op Die Berg or about 80km from Ceres on the R303. (One can also get there via Citrusdal using the Middelberg Pass.) The campsite is only available to one group at a time and hence, will be ours for the weekend.

The campsite has 2 toilets and 2 showers (donkey ran) with a large area to camp and spread out. There is a pool in the stream nearby to swim in. Off road trailers and caravans are welcome. (Only the last stretch to the campsite is sandy.)

This is a beautiful part of the Kouebokkeveld and there is hiking to be done following an old track and the stream into a valley and then into the Elandskloof valley with the potential for more swimming spots. There is the possibility of driving to one of the dams in the mountains but access is not a given at this stage.

This weekend outing is a chill out weekend that will appeal to those that like basic, secluded off the beaten track campsites that only allow one group at a time.

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