Rangers Reserve Weekend Outing

20 – 22 May 2022

The super group of weekenders started arriving at Rangers Reserve from early Friday afternoon, with Colin & Diane and their Gecko caravan being first, Andy and I with our Jurgens XCape caravan following, and then suddenly there was a rush of members arriving:  Kevin & Lesley Steagemann, Walter & Val Mohr, Ken & Shona Sturgeon, Kevin & Jenny Childs and last, but certainly not least, Hilton Joffe. 

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Viv and Mary’s Karoo Trip

29 April to 16 May 2022

Our long-awaited Karoo trip kicked off with a few paid-up participants unfortunately having to withdraw. However we were privileged to have very worthy and experienced members, Ivan Napoleon & Greg Bond-Smith, who has been on quite a few of our trips going back many years. Our first stop was Anysberg Nature Reserve campsite via Ouberg Pass, with a cool Karoo wind keeping us wrapped up. The staff & facilities were tops, and we have proud memories of our Club contribution there, with the highly respected late Committee member Philip Sackville-Scott having taken groups to assist with the building of mountain trails there. Wild camping in Nature Reserves is strictly prohibited, which helps to retain the future of these heritage areas.

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